About the exhibition:

Janusz Korczak and the Children of Warsaw Ghetto, created by the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre with sponsorship from the Eugene, Alice and Paul Meyer & the Edwina and Paul Heller Endowment Funds of the VHEC, in cooperation with the Janusz Korczak Association of Canada.

The exhibition is available in an electronic form or as printed panels.

Images courtesy of the Ghetto Fighters’ Museum (Israel), the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum & CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency).

Please  contact the Association for presentation opportunities.

Exhibition requirements


The exhibit consists of 32 panels. Approximately 70 feet of running wall space is needed to display all of the panels. The 70 feet does not need to be continuous but the panels do need to be installed according to its three separate inter-related themes. 

The exhibit consists of 31panels (21 that are 32” X 40”) (10 that are 16” X 40”). All are graphic panels mounted on foam core. The ten narrower panels contain detailed information and introductory paragraphs for each section.
The exhibit is organized into three separate inter-related themes. The three sections can be installed separately or in combination.

The three sections are:

The Life of Janusz Korczak – 11 panels 

• 8 – 32″X40″ black and white panels 

• 3 – 16″X40″ black and white panels 

Children in the Warsaw Ghetto – 14 panels 

• 9 – 32″X40″ black and white panels 

• 5 – 16″X40″ black and white panels 

For more details please contact Jerry Nussbaum at jerrynussbaum@gmail.com