In partnership with the Janusz Korczak Association of Canada and British Columbia’s Representative for Children and Youth, the UBC Faculty of Education presented the Dean’s Distinguished Lecture: Janusz Korczak the Father of Children’s Rights. Turning Rights into Action, the Janusz Korczak Medal for Children’s Rights Advocacy Award Ceremony and the Janusz Korczak Scholarship.

The 2021 keynote speaker was Dr. Jennifer Charlesworth, the BC Representative for Children and Youth. 

Event Videos

Her Honour, the Honourable Janet Austin, OBC Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia

Opening Remarks

Dr. Jennifer Charlesworth, British Columbia Representative for Children and Youth

Rights and Belonging: Bringing Janusz Korczak’s Legacy to Life in Contemporary Times

Ms. Lillian Boraks-Nemetz, author and Board Member of the Janusz Korczak Association of Canada

The Relevance of Dr. Janusz Korczak in a time of COVID