Jerymy Brownridge

The Janusz Korczak Association of Canada, under the distinguished patronage of Her Honour Janet Austin Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, has awarded the 2023 Janusz Korczak Statuette to David Morley CM, the President and CEO of UNICEF Canada.

The ceremony took place on May 3rd 2023 at the Government House in Victoria, BC., hosted by Her Honor Janet Austin jointly with the Janusz Korczak Association of Canada.

We enjoyed the company of many distinguished guests, including Andrzej Mańkowski, Consul General of the Republic of Poland, past recipients of Korczak awards and activists involved in children’s rights, health and wellbeing.

Lillian Boraks-Nemetz

The afternoon began with Jerymy Brownridge as MC. who greeted the guests, and introduced Lillian Boraks-Nemetz, board member and author to say a few words about Dr. Janusz Korczak in whose spirit the event took place. She talked about Korczak as the caregiver and shaper of children’s souls in that Dr. Korczak considered not only a child’s physical well-being but also emotional, spiritual, intellectual  and behavioral needs. In his pedagogical writings and medical approach, he always considered “the whole child”.

The next speaker was Jerry Nussbaum, the president of the Association, who enlightened us on the character of Korczak as well as the important work on behalf of children done by the Association, its mission and its past, present and future activities.

Jerry Nussbaum

After Mr. Nussbaum’s remarks, Dr. Christine Loock, board member, introduced David Morley CM, the distinguished recipient of the Janusz Korczak Statuette. She also made a few comments on her own work with children.

Following Dr Loock, Ron Friesen and Dr. Nancy Bell, board members, were called upon to present David Morley with the Janusz Korczak Statuette in recognition of his lifetime

achievements in child advocacy and for vision and leadership in promoting the holistic approach to the wellbeing of children in the spirit of Doctor Korczak.

Dr. Christine Loock

Next,  Her Honor Janet Austin congratulated Mr. Morley on the award, emphasizing his sustained engagement in improving the wellbeing of children. Her Honour talked about the relevance of Dr. Korczak’s work in today’s world, as well as about the Janusz Korczak Association of Canada.

David Morley gave the audience a captivating overview of the situation of children around the world and the efforts being done to improve it.

In conclusion the guests proceeded to the reception.