We are proud to announce the 2024 laureate of the Janusz Korczak Medal in Children’s Rights Advocacy, presented in partnership between the Janusz Korczak Association of Canada and the British Columbia Representative for Children and Youth: the Campbell River Early Years Council.
Campbell River Early Years Council, a non profit coalition, works to strengthen community capacity to support young children in their everyday lives and to promote the best possible outcomes for their health and well-being. The Council, consisting of representation from 26 local health and social service agencies and local government departments, ’… embraces a culture that works collaboratively to coordinate and optimize resources, imagination, and commitment toward the healthy development of all our children.’
In 2005, the Council convened as the Community Council of Partners under the former Success By 6 initiative supported by the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development, BC United Ways, and BC Credit Unions. A defining premise intended that all sectors – non profit, government and business – participated at the table and that Indigenous communities were engaged. When funding for this initiative ended, the Campbell River early years community resumed as the Campbell River Early Years Council. The Council wanted to continue the vital mission of working to improve children’s lives during their critical years of early development and when community support and connection are vital for their families.
A Campbell River Children’s Charter, reflecting key UN Convention on the Rights of the Child’s principles, resulted from one past Council initiative where 315 children, ages 3 to 12 years, were invited to express their views about children’s human rights. Project leaders presented the children’s views, along with calls for action, in a Children’s Charter poster for community education and distribution.
Currently, the Council’s collaborative work focuses on education, advocacy, research and action. Education involves raising awareness about the importance of children’s early years; hearing children’s voices and promoting their human rights; and the importance of community engagement. Advocacy promotes children’s access to services and supports critical to their health and well-being. Child-centred research is a priority and includes in-depth Campbell River State of the Child Reports, which aim to foster community-wide understanding about the local context for pressing issues needing attention for young children to thrive. Action involves the Council providing parents, caregivers and early years professionals with information, resources and training that build individual and community capacity.
The Council’s work benefits from the ongoing support of generous donations from Chan Nowosad Boates Chartered Professional Accountants; project-specific grants such as from the Campbell River Community Foundation; and by Council members contributing their valuable time, ideas and enthusiasm.
Read about Janusz Korczak Medal and Statuette Award Ceremony 2024.