David Morley spoke at the second annual Dean’s Distinguished Speaker Lecture: Janusz Korczak, the Father of Children’s Rights: Turning Rights into Action.

The event, moderated by Kit Krieger, started with welcoming remarks by Prof. Mark Beauchamp, Associate Dean Research at the Faculty of Education, and was followed by presentations by Bernard Richard, the BC Representative for Children and Youth, Jerry Nussbaum, the president of the Janusz Korczak Association of Canada (JKAC) and Lillian Boraks-Nemetz, author and a board member of JKAC. The keynote lecture, How we can make Canada a great country for kids, by David Morley and a Q&A period closed the evening.

Click for The Jewish Independent report.

UNICEF has published fourteen Report Cards on the state of children and youth in high-income countries over the past seventeen years. The comparative analyses focus on why countries with similar resources and capacities achieve different outcomes for young people. Over time, a pattern has emerged that has become more and more alarming. Canada is losing momentum to improve outcomes for children and youth, and losing ground relative to our peers. Lagging outcomes and persistently wide gaps between children in health, violence and their own sense of well-being show up in the statistical evidence. Why do we rank 25th out of 41 rich nations in the latest UNICEF Report Card? How can we move the needle? 

David Morley, President and CEO of UNICEF Canada, will share new insights from UNICEF’s research and discuss the areas where Canada is performing well, where we’re falling behind and where we must actively turn our attention to cultivate better, more equitable outcomes for children and youth.  
